Facebook, as with any social media site, is constantly evolving and its latest round of changes is no exception. If you’re admin to multiple Facebook pages, you may well have seen some of the differences already.

One of the biggest changes has been around logging in – you no longer have to log in separately as your page. Why is this relevant to you, as an administrator of several pages? Quite simply, it affects how you administrate interactions as those different pages on Facebook.

If you haven’t yet noticed those changes, here’s a recap on the most important ones you need to be aware of.

#1: Are you commenting as yourself, your page or a page you manage?

Whether they’re your pages of those of your clients, if you’re an administrator of pages, choosing who you’re commenting as, is now a simple case of clicking on the arrow next to your thumbnail image. You go to the post you want to comment on, click that little arrow and choose who you want to be commenting as!

#2: Sharing as a page

As you only now have to log into Facebook on your personal profile, the way you share as a page (instead of as a personal profile) is slightly different too. When you find something you want to share, click on the share button and a few different options will come up – share now (as your personal profile), share and send as a message. If you select share you’ll then be able to select whether you want to share as a page you manage.

#3: Viewing the feed for pages your page has liked

When you’re logged into Facebook, you’ll see a list of your pages on the left-hand side of the screen. When you select a page and go to its home feed, on the left-hand side you’ll see ‘See Pages Feed’ – this gives you the posts from the pages your page has liked.

#4: Commenting on your pages

Once you navigate to any of the pages you manage, your profile thumbnail image for commenting and liking will automatically change to that of the page your own. This makes it super easy to comment, reply to existing comments and post as the page – without having to remember to change to the right profile.

#5: Liking other pages as your page

This is the only feature that Facebook have seemingly hidden away, under these new changes. You need to go to the page you want to like and, once there, select the three dots at the top of the page (next to the ‘like’ and ‘message’ buttons). This then brings up a dropdown list of extra things you can do – including the option to ‘Like as your Page’.

So, what do you think about the latest changes implemented by Facebook? Do you love them or hate them? Do they make your job easier and quicker? Why not share your thoughts and opinions (along with any other changes you’ve noticed!) in the comments box below!

Image courtesy of trekandphoto/adobe.stock.com