The success of your VA business depends on your ability to inspire belief in what you do and who you are. This credibility is the cornerstone of your entire business – as people will only do business with those they know, like and trust. This is why it’s so important to be authentic, as your potential clients will notice if your personality and character are at odds with your words and actions. In short – the faster you can establish credibility, the faster your business will grow.

But how can you build credibility, when you’re just starting out in business?

Here are 5 actions you can implement, in order to boost your credibility and build your VA business, regardless of what stage your business is at.

#1: Network

Networking gives you the opportunity to get in front of a wide range of business owners. It gives you a chance to get to know what they’re about and what their needs may be, meaning you can expand your network of business contacts, potential clients and possible referral partners.

#2: Write a guide

Whether you decide to publish and sell a physical book/ebook on Amazon or create a free report or guide for downloading from your website, having your name in print is an instant way to add credibility to your business. It helps to put your name in front of potentially thousands of people, illustrates your knowledge on a subject and can also help boost your image as an expert in your niche.

#3: Get interviewed

Interviews can be in various guises – video, audio or written – but all of them will help raise your credibility. Audio interviews are a great place to start, especially if you’re still building your confidence, so look into popular podcasts targeted at your ideal clients or opt for the regular business slots on your local radio station. Either way, make sure you can get a copy of the recording (or at least a link) to add to your own website.

#4: Guest blog

With over 1 billion websites currently online, there’s no shortage of places you could submit a guest blog to. Just make sure you find sites that are in your target market or those aimed at your ideal client, rather than guest blogging on sites that have no connection whatsoever to what you do. Some will make it easy and actively advertise for guest bloggers – but others may need an email introduction and initial query from you.

BTW, here at VACT, we’re always open to receive guest blogs that are of benefit to the VACT audience…  

#5: Speaking gigs

When it comes to proactive ways to promote yourself and your business, speaking events are seen as reserved for ‘bigger’ or more established businesses. But don’t let this put you off – they all had to start somewhere! Whether you speak at your local Chamber of Commerce event or to a handful of people at the local library, speaking events give you the perfect opportunity to instantly build on your credibility, authenticity and confidence!

Regardless of which of the above actions you opt for, make sure you always close with a relevant call to action. This could be to connect with you on social media, hand over their business card or email address, in order to enter your latest competition, sign up for your free download or to simply check out your website. Whatever option you go with, it gives you the opportunity to further enhance on the credibility and relationship you’ve started to build with those you’ve interacted with.

What’s your favourite way to build credibility in your VA business? Are you already implementing each of the 5 different options and what are your views on them or are you just starting out – in which case, which option will you get started with first? Why not share your thoughts, opinions and action steps in the comments box below!

Image courtesy of Iclig/Dollar Photo Club