NETWORKHave you had a number of meetings or calls with prospects that you were hoping to turn into a client, only to be left with the remark that you are too expensive, they want to think about it or they have other VAs they want to speak to before making a decision? ? Have you found yourself feeling nervous at the prospect of meeting someone who could be your next client, not really knowing what they are going to ask or what you should say to make you stand out?

Making the right first impression when you meet a prospective client is important, even if this takes place via phone or Skype.

Well, actually, this process starts before you have even attended your meeting with your prospective client. It’s in the preparation in fact and starts with ‘you’ and your ‘mindset’.

In many a mentoring session I have given a VA, the actual challenge that has been raised has been in connection with a lack of confidence and a negative belief system about themselves. Many ‘What ifs’ are mentioned.

‘What if they have spoken to other VAs that are better than?myself?, ‘What if they are not prepared to pay my fees?’, ‘What if they cannot see the point of using a VA?’, ‘What if I say the wrong thing and put them off?’, ‘What if I forget what I want to say?‘. Sound familiar?

OK, so let’s start with the opposite:

  • ‘What if the fact that they are meeting with me shows they’re interested because I made a good first impression (not to mention their time is valuable so they would not be taking time out to meet you otherwise)?’
  • ‘What if they have spoken to?other VAs and they have identified that I could be a great fit for their business because they recognise I am unique?’
  • ‘What if they will understand the huge value in using my services and how that will positively impact on their business because I would have articulated it so they understood?’
  • ‘What if I put myself in a positive way and remember all that I want to say because, not only am I passionate about what I do I will have prepared what I want to say?’ and so on….now for each sentence remove ‘What if’ and this then becomes a list of powerful affirmations.

What you have then completed is the first step in changing your frame of mind. ?When you love what you do and are confident in the value you know you can and will deliver to your clients, the clients will come. Avoid creating similar statements on benefits to other VAs such as ‘You only pay for the time you use’,

‘There are no overheads such?as office space or equipment’ or ‘There is no need to employ a PA and have the expense of a salary, employee benefits” etc.. Yes these are all very valid and important points, however these are features because every VA will offer these.

Think more about your uniqueness…what makes you different? What can you help your clients achieve? When you think about the value you bring to a client relationship, what is that value? How can you help your clients realise their goals? How can you help your clients boost their income? When you can start to answer these points you are well on your way.

Next is to step into the mindset of the prospect – Understanding them

Therefore, ensure you have prepared answers to these questions.

Have you ever found yourself in the embarrassing situation when you are asked a question and, because you have not anticipated these questions and therefore prepared answers, you are left with not knowing what to


What would you imagine some of the questions they may have going around in their head?…

* I don’t know much about their VA service?

* How will their service provide a solution to my challenges?

* Are they aware of my expectations that I have?

* What are the results I could expect to achieve by using a VA?

* How will it all work?


Create a great first impression by preparing well so that you are in for a more powerful chance of winning them over – after all, you only have one chance to make a great first impression.networking

People want to feel understood, they want to hear the evidence of this when they talk to you.

They are not expecting the first question that you ask them to be ‘So, how can I help you?’, unless of course they know. They want you to take the lead. How? Well simply, show that you understand the prospective client.

What do you say?

Well, in my next post I will share some of the areas you should be discussing so that you can influence and persuade that person believes you are the VA that can make a huge impact to their business, how specific research can help you learn more about the person you are meeting and finally how to achieve the outcome you want from this meeting. ? Look out soon!