Joining the VA Membership was a massive turning point. I knew that I had the skills to do VA work, but what I lacked was the confidence to go it alone, launch my own business and be responsible for my own clients. I was frightened of getting it wrong, or not having the answers.

Amanda’s VA Membership provides a community of other supportive VA’s, who provide a hive of knowledge and support. Amanda herself puts so much content in the membership. Every area that I have a question about, there seems to be articles, training and support within the membership. If there isn’t something specific then a quick message to Amanda and she will point you in the right direction.

Investing in the VA membership was a big decision, but that investment has more than paid for itself in the first 6 months. The piece of mind in knowing that I have somewhere to go and a community, rather than going it alone, is invaluable.