Charging what you’re truly worth is something a lot of new and fledgling VA business owners struggle with. Why? Often, they haven’t yet understood the value they’re offering to their clients, nor the confidence to understand what makes them unique when compared to other VA’s in their industry. Charging your true worth has as much to do with the services you offer as it does with believing in yourself.

So how can you believe in yourself and charge your true worth? Here are some tips to get you started.

Tip #1: Stop being modest

If you’re good at what you do, don’t be afraid to totally own it. Stop making excuses as to why you’re not charging more, and get clear on why you SHOULD be charging more. What journey have you been on to get you to where you currently are in business? What expertise have you accumulated? What has been the cost, in terms of finances, time and commitment? Do you believe you’re good at what you do? What are you continuing to invest in your growth and development?

Tip #2: Learn to expand your comfort zone

One of the main reasons a business owner doesn’t put up their prices, is how uncomfortable it feels to do so. You’re stretching your comfort zone and reaching out to a higher standard, both in terms of the fees you charge and how you view yourself – and both will stretch your comfort zone. So get comfortable with how that feels.

Tip #3: Understand your worth to your clients

Stop looking at what you do in terms of features and tasks, and start looking at the worth of what you do for your clients. What results do you get them? What benefits do they get? How do you enable them to grow and/or move forward – and what is this worth to them?

Tip #4: Get comfortable with speaking what you’re worth

If you want to look confident in yourself and your abilities, you need to be comfortable stating what you do and how much you charge. You want to be able to speak about your pricing, package structures, fees and the results you get for your clients, in a confident manner. If confidence in yourself isn’t your strong point – get additional help in this specific area.

Tip #5: Invest in yourself

The quickest way to be confident about what you do, is to value it yourself – and this means investing in yourself too. How can you expect your clients to pay what you’re worth, if you don’t think you’re worth investing in yourself? Get yourself a mentor or coach and regularly invest in your continued training and expertise.

Following these five tips above, will help you better understand your own worth and portray that onto your clients. If you’re looking for additional support with your confidence, both personally and with your VA business generally, they’re both covered in our VA Mastery Course – details of which can be found here.

Image courtesy zaretshaya/