We’re often really good at knowing what are weaknesses are, those things we need to improve on, if we want to get ahead in life and/or business. However, it’s our strengths that have helped us get where we currently are and it’s those things we need to focus on.

If you’re looking to improve as a VA or in your VA business, it pays to focus on the things you’re already good at, as opposed to your weaknesses. Not only will it boost your self-confidence and esteem, it will also help you portray a more professional image to your potential clients.

So, here’s my top tips for helping you play to your strengths as a VA.

Know what your strengths are

It begins with acknowledging what it is that you’re good at. We can get so focused on learning new things and expanding our knowledge, we forget what our core strengths are. Sit down and make a note of all those things you’re really good at, things you’re complimented on, as well as those things that come naturally to you in your VA business. Don’t forget to include those ‘soft’ qualifications – such as a calm manner or being a great listener.

Harness those strengths in the VA services you provide

When it comes to choosing what services we provide, we can sometimes neglect those core strengths. If you’re great at organisation, harness it in the type of services you provide. Naturally good at a specific software? Offer that as a service. If you’re great at connecting with people – look to offer customer liaison and customer service-based services. Learn to harness your strengths and use them to create unique or niche services to your clients.

Play to your strengths as a VA, not what you think someone wants to see

As in any role, we all have perceived ideas of what a VA should look like or act like. For some, that may be someone who lives in a business suit and works from a sterile office in a smart office building. However, anyone who’s met me knows, that’s not an image I portray, nor how I see a typical VA!

It’s the same with the type of services you offer. If you’re putting services out there based purely on what you think others expect a VA to do, you’re doing your customers and yourself a disservice. Your VA business needs to be an extension of who you are – not a persona you’ve created to fit other people’s ideals.

Old school doesn’t necessarily mean outdated

How to play to your strengths as a VAYour strengths as a VA don’t have to be linked with the latest technology or the current latest views either. There is still plenty of opportunity (as well as scope) for the more traditional VA services. What some may see as old school, others see as established and trusted. There are still a great many people who dictate notes, hold face-to-face meetings, and need help with working a PC!

Own what you do and what you’re good at

No matter what your strengths are, you need to own them and appreciate them. Be proud of the fact you have these strengths and share them with your clients. Don’t be afraid to highlight them as an important asset in your business and to enhance them further, by getting better at them.

Owning what you do isn’t just about being confident in your abilities – it’s also about accepting compliments from others about them too. Brushing off a compliment with a simple ‘It was nothing’, will help others underestimate the value of what you offer and will also help you brush those strengths under the carpet. Own them and be proud of them.

Under-promise and over-deliver

Playing to your strengths as a VA means learning to appreciate what you’re good at, but being humble enough to admit that you’re not perfect and are still human. No matter what skills and strengths you have, it’s important to hone them and improve on them. It’s also important to appreciate their value and the time needed to complete them well.

As we get more sure of our abilities, we can easily get carried away with our promises and commitments. Timescales get shorter and we can push ourselves to achieve more, for the same financial return. But rather than shortening the time frame, look to go that little better and add that extra sparkle. Always remember – it’s far better to under-promise and over-deliver, than it is to over-promise and under-deliver.

Give yourself (and your business) time to settle in and get good

If you want to play to your strengths as a VA, you need to give those strengths time to mature. Far too often we give things hardly any time to settle, before we’re declaring them a failure. We quickly discard new ideas and services, simply because we haven’t given them time to grow in popularity and momentum. And when we learn a new skill, set ourselves the task of being good at it, without having much of a chance to practice and hone it.

Playing to your strengths as a VA is about acknowledging what you’re good at, confidently and passionately. It’s about knowing you have skills that someone else needs and wants, regardless of how old or established those strengths may be – and it’s about providing a first-class service to your clients, no matter what strength you have to lean on to achieve that.

How do you play to your strengths as a VA? Do you confidently own them or do you find yourself playing them down? How have you ensured you implement them into your business? Why not share your thoughts and opinions on today’s blog post, in the comments box below!