When it comes to reviewing our goals, we often wait until the end of the year. However, reviewing your goals regularly will ensure you stay on target – and what better time to review your goals, than at the midway point of the year!

Don’t wait until things are going wrong before you review

One of the biggest problems we can have around goals is losing our sense of direction. We may end up going down the wrong path or find we’re not seeing the results we crave and, by the time we’ve noticed these mishaps, there’s been an enormous amount of effort and time wasted.

This can leave you feeling demotivated, disappointed and wanting to give up. Your commitment levels will crash and you’ll be fighting the urge to put your whole goal or plan on the backburner.

Why you need to review goals regularly

Reviewing your goals regularly will ensure you pick up on wrong turns and problem areas, BEFORE they get to crisis point. You can then implement the right tweaks to your plan, to ensure you get back on the right track. It also gives you an opportunity to see the bigger picture, as you’ll be reminding yourself of what you’ve already achieve AND where you’re headed.

How to review your goals

Reviewing your goals can be a simple case of checking in with what you’ve achieved and what your next steps are. Look to answer the following:

  • Is my original end result still what I am aiming for or am I looking to change the direction?
  • Am I moving in the right direction?
  • Is there anything I want to change or alter?
  • Have I taken the time to acknowledge my achievements so far and what have I done to celebrate them?
  • Have I broken my goals down into specific action steps?
  • What action steps do I want to complete between now and year end (or next review date)?
  • What time/days am I going to set aside to complete my action steps ? and have I pencilled in time slots for these in my diary?

By regularly reviewing your goals, you’ll ensure your motivation stays high and you’re regularly taking action to make them a reality. So much can change in the course of a year, so having a midway review will help you make sure you’re on the right track AND on target to meet your goals before the year ends!

How often do you review your goals? What strategies do you use to review your goals? Why not share your strategies and opinions on goal setting in the comments box below and let’s get each other motivated!