Flexible Working

  • How to tell if you’d be a good Virtual Assistant

    Starting a new Virtual Assistant career can be daunting, especially if you’re looking to retrain. As a Virtual Assistant trainer, I’ve seen many trainees worry about whether they’d make a good Virtual Assistant, regardless of whether they’re already in an existing PA or EA role, or are new to the VA industry. So, if you’re […]


  • The rise of the UK self-employed business woman [updated]

    self-employed business women

    The amount of self-employed businesses in the UK has risen steadily, for the past 15 years. And is it any wonder? It seems that women in particular, are opting for the benefits that can be gleaned from being your own boss, especially as they can pick their own part-time hours. Self-employed women are on the […]


  • As a VA what can we learn from top female entrepreneurs?

    With more and more women starting their own VA businesses and taking control of their own lives. Women hold the power to change our world into one that is more peaceful and harmonious. As quoted by the Dalai Lama: “The world will be saved by the western woman”. As the top female entrepreneurs have shown […]


  • How to find your place in an entrepreneur world

    entrepreneur finding place

    Many people dream of starting their own business an becoming an entrepreneur, but the reality of taking action to achieve it can be too big a step to take. So, if you’ve started your own VA business or are ready to take the plunge into self-employment as a VA – congratulations! But now comes the […]


  • What is an entrepreneur mindset & why it’s important to have one?

    There’s a lot of talk buzzing around in the world at large, about having the right mindset for business. Mention you’re in business for yourself, or thinking of starting your own business and various labelling words get thrown into those right mindset conversations, entrepreneur, solopreneur, mumpreneur, hobbyist etc. But what exactly IS the right mindset to […]