Goal Setting

  • Clear the clutter and be ready for January

    clear the clutter

    It’s the time of year when we all start to wind down, ready for the festivities of Christmas and New Year. Solo and small business owners alike, are also taking time to celebrate the achievements they’ve reached throughout the current year. However, it’s also the perfect time to get ready for the beginning of that […]


  • Is September the time to revise and revisit your goals?

    is September the time to revise & revisit your goals?

    September, the time of new beginnings. With school-aged kids either going back to school or starting for the first time, most mums are either breathing a huge sigh of relief or are busy getting back into work mode. This is why September is a perfect time to revise and revisit your business goals. Although September […]


  • Benefits of writing your personal story as a blog

    share your story

    Your story is the thing that sets you apart from other VAs in the industry. It showcases who you are, what you can do, who you help and why you do it – it’s what makes you unique. However, we can often shy away from sharing our personal story with others, as we worry about […]


  • Are you secretly scared of the success you seek?

    fear of success

    Every business owner wants their business to grow and do well and VAs are no different. However, we can often inadvertently sabotage the very success we seek, by letting our fears and worries get in the way. When it comes to those fears and worries, one of the top fears is actually a fear of […]


  • The holidays are over – it’s time to get back to work

    work goal review

    The new term is fast approaching. Whether your child is going to be starting a new school or moving up a year, they will inevitably experience a period of reflection, uncertainty, excitement and apprehension, as they realise the holidays are ending and the academic term is starting. But with the children going back to school […]