
  • Benefits of an Editorial Calendar

    An editorial calendar is an essential part of your business if you want to gain control and manage your regular content production. The simple calendar layout gives you an at-a-glance view of your content creation and release dates etc. and, as it can be used for blogging, social media content, product launches and advertising. It’s a […]


  • How to construct a blog – top tips!

    When you’ve made a decision to start a blog it can seem like a daunting task. There’s the worry about what to write about, as well as keeping it interesting AND committing to actually write content on a regular basis, and that before you’ve even started to think about how to actually construct a blog! […]


  • 10 things to do BEFORE you start a blog

    We’ve all heard how the content on your website needs to be fresh and updated on a regular basis. A blog seems like the perfect answer, as it also showcases your expertise. So, are you thinking of starting a blog? Maybe you already have one, but haven’t updated it for a while. Whatever stage your […]


  • Stuck in a Rut

    This article was written by Carmen MacDougall, previous owner of VACT.  Carmen MacDougall came from a corporate background as a PA and Office Manager before establishing her VA business  after redundancy. She went on to establish herself as one of the leading trainers on setting up and running a successful Virtual Assistant business through The […]