As a small business owner, you are your business. Without you, there would be no business. Yes, you may have Associates, but you are the heart of your business. And if you want to stay a healthy heart, you need to grasp the importance of your personal development.

2020 has been a year of big changes so far. We’re currently in the midst of a global pandemic, one that’s changed how many of us work and got us questioning whether we’re doing what’s right for us.

And this is where personal development comes into its own. It enables you to grow yourself and your business further and to help you find a pattern and answers that suit you. This can help you increase your prices, offer better quality service and really tailor your business to suit your skills. 

As my VA Mastery Course students and graduates know, VACT graduates can earn at least more money than VAs that have trained with other training course providers. This is how much of an impact your personal development can have on your business success and bottom line.

Investing in yourself enables you to step up

You’ve got skin in the game if you’ve invested in yourself.  Personal development allows you the space to grow bigger and better, to believe in yourself and your abilities. You’re showing you’re ready, willing and able to step up.  So if you invest in yourself, you cannot just buy the course, you have to do the work too! (Be honest here, do you have a pile of books waiting to be read or is that just me?)

As Company Wizard explains in their article on the importance of personal development:  “You may see training and development as a cost, but it can also prove to have a massive benefit for your business, such as better efficiency, better communication, better or new techniques.”

You can stay ahead of the game

Keeping your mind active, keeps the ideas flowing, this is what you need to grow. It opens up the potential for new opportunities and enables you to stay ahead of the game. Personal development enables you to continually grow and expand, to take on new challenges and take your business into new areas. You’re more likely to embrace new ideas, platforms and methods faster, as you’re confident that you can adapt and grow as needed.

Your personal development positively impacts your clients

And as you embrace new ideas and grow in confidence, it’s going to impact positively on your clients. You’re able to offer a more professional and higher standard of service in some areas, one that’s going to delight and encourage your clients to trust their businesses in your hands.

Whether you get the support of a mentor, getting the advice of your peers or looking to grow a team of Associates, taking the time to invest in your own training can only be a good thing for your business. Take the VA Membership as an example, our monthly professional development helps you to continue to build and grow your business, by allowing you to work on yourself.  Whether that’s through access to our extensive training library of in-depth courses and  individual trainings or through the opportunity to join monthly live training webinars and member Q&A calls.   Starting out as a new to the industry Virtual Assistant or as a seasoned VA – we have a roadmap for you, designed to guide you through the process of building and growing an awesome VA business one step at a time.

It’s important that you grow with your business

As for growing your business, as mentioned above, you are your business. Work on you and you’ll be indirectly working on your business too and you can expertly weave the two together – they are hugely interlinked. 

When you work on your personal development you don’t want to stop working on your business. You need to be doing both together, simultaneously – if you want your business to grow. 

2020 has been a year of change. And as a small business owner, you can’t afford to step back, whilst you work on your confidence or selling skills – especially with everything that’s going on around us. Instead, you need to find a course that enables you to work on your own personal development whilst you’re working in your business. You ultimately need to remember without you, there would be no business. You are it’s beating heart and personal development is what you need to invest in if you want to stay healthy enough to keep your business growing.

I want to be able to help you with your personal and professional development and I think the VA Membership is a perfect way in which to do that, if you are ready to start now – just click through to the website now and sign up