As a Virtual Assistant, your working day consists of both your own business-related activities, as well as those of your clients. It’s therefore crucial, that you maximise your available time, regardless of whether your working day is consists of two hours or eight.

Structuring your working day is the only way you are going to be able to effectively grow your own business whilst also managing your existing clients needs. However, a structured day isn’t just about managing your workload, it also has several other benefits.

#1: Your time is important and it increases overall productivity

When you structure out each working day you’re maximising your available time – and this means you’re increasing your productivity. However, you’re also ensuring you honour the value of your working day too. Your time is important to you, so it’s understandable that you’ll want to both protect it and maximise your productivity during that time.

#2: Structuring your working day quietens your mind and avoids overwhelm

It can be quite overwhelming to look at a massive to-do list. Not only can that list get daunting, it can also leave room for our doubts and fears to set in. We question whether we have enough available time to get every task finished, we can then start doubting our abilities as a Virtual Assistant as well as a business owner generally. By structuring out our working day we often realise it’s realistic to slot in all our tasks, and that we have time spare!

#3: Stops you trying (and often, failing!) to multitask by giving you focus

For a long time, multitasking was seen as the ‘best’ way to live our lives and run a business. However, in reality, it often meant frazzled nerves and a feeling of failure, as we missed out on important family dates and tried to be everything to everyone. Luckily, it’s now clear that focusing on the task at hand is a much better way to run our lives and businesses. By structuring your working day, it means you set aside time for specific tasks and projects, enabling you to give them each the focus and attention they deserve.

#4: Ensures you’re busy on the right things at the right time

It’s really easy to make yourself seem busy throughout the day but, unless you’re clearly structuring out your tasks, you can find yourself still not achieving anything useful. By structuring out your day, you’re ensuring you’re both spending your time well, and are also guaranteeing the most pressing and important tasks are catered for.

#5: Encourages you to have an entrepreneurial mindset and take yourself seriously

Structuring out your day isn’t just about getting organised – it’s about ensuring we have the right business mindset too. It’s only when we take our working day seriously, we actually take ourselves and our business seriously too. We’re then more inclined to slot in tasks such as marketing and networking into our working week, ensuring we’re both meeting our client’s needs and those of our own growing Virtual Assistant business too.

Structuring your working day is an important part of your overall business success. If you need some more help in being productive during your working day, why not check out some of our previous blog posts – including Are you being productive for your VA business as well as for your clients? and Does technology actually make you more productive?