Top interior design tips for decorating your workspace.

Logo graphic for Sofas by SaxonWorking from home can be just as productive as working in an office. With the right interiors, you can easily create a calming space that’ll help you get the results you need. Matt Deighton, Managing Director at soft furnishing specialist Sofas by Saxon, has given us his top interior design tips for decorating your workspace.

The average time freelancers spend working in their home office is approximately 47 hours a week —that’s more than the average employee (freelancermap). With so much time spent there, you want it to be comfortable. The right environment can also help to boost productivity and creativity. In this article, I’ll be sharing my top interior design tips for styling your workspace.

Organisation is key

Clutter can increase our stress levels, according to a study conducted by scientists at UCLA, so the key to productivity is to keep your workspace tidy. Pen pots and files are the perfect way to keep everything stored in its place and away from your desk space. Or, you can invest in larger pieces like drawers and shelves to keep everything tucked away until you need it.

Make the most of natural light

In a study conducted at Cornell University, 51% of participants reported reduced eyestrain and 63% reported fewer headaches when working in natural light, both of which contribute to a lapse in productivity. So, try placing your desk next to a window (avoiding glare on your computer screen by turning the monitor away from direct light). In the winter, keep artificial lighting soft to avoid too much strain on your eyes.

Pick productive colours

So, you’ve got the most suitable organisation and your desk is in the best place, but did you know that your colour scheme can also affect your productivity?

  • Blue: a powerful colour best for jobs that require a lot of intellect and focus
  • Yellow: an energetic colour best for jobs that need loads of creativity
  • Green: a natural and calming colour best for working long hours

Whatever you choose, incorporate it into your walls and furnishings so you can surround yourself with productivity-inducing colours.

Invest in a good office chair

A comfortable chair not only reduces health risks associated with back pain, but increases productivity because you’re more relaxed. Invest in a high-quality office chair with cushiony fabrics, such as leather or velvet, that also add a stylish touch to the room.

Make it homely

One of the main benefits of working from home is that you can create a workspace to suit your tastes, so don’t feel compelled to stick with the traditional office style. As well as incorporating colour, use artwork, furniture and soft furnishings to design a space that gets your creativity flowing.

Creature comforts like a coffee machine and blanket can also go a long way to making you feel more productive. If you have the space, create a breakout area with a comfy sofa, bean bag or exercise ball for those times when you need to get away from your desk and think.

Finally, every home office should have some house plants. As well as being linked to improved wellbeing and lower stress levels, the likes of snake plants and peace lilies can help purify the air.

Decorating your home office doesn’t have to be a big task. Remember to keep your space organised and well lit, with a few personalised touches to make it feel more like home. The best thing about a home office is that it’s all yours and you can design it entirely for you!  

It would be great to hear if you have tried any of these top interior design tips for decorating your workspace and the impact they have had on you.