Archives: FAQs

  • Does the price include VAT?

    Yes the pricing on the website includes VAT and you will be sent a separate invoice with the VAT showing so you can share it with your accountant! If you don’t live in the UK please message me and I will ping you the correct link to purchase with.


  • How is the training delivered?

    The training is delivered through a mix of distance learning printable materials, online videos and audios. By the end of the course you will have created your own copy of the “The VA Knowledge.”


  • What do you get with the Legal Templates?

    VACT have partnered with both Suzanne Dibble and KoffeeKlatch for legal templates – they are different and will suit different individuals. You will have a discussion with Amanda about which you would would like for your VA business and then they will be ordered and sent to you direct from either provider. This means that should your contracts get […]